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Pubg steam

pubg steam

Current stats are a simple accumulation of records without comparing with other players’ stats.However, you will still be able to look up the old stats from a separate page. The current Mastery stats will no longer be updated. Weapon Mastery records are completely reorganized for each weapon used in both Normal and Ranked matches. As many found this to be a confusing term, we’ve just gone ahead and changed it to “Kills.” We used the term “Defeat” as a way to track your knockdowns + opponents’ final death in Squads and a kill in Solos.Instead of being linked to the weapon you unlocked them with, owned charms can now be equipped to any weapon.Charms can no longer be acquired through Weapon Mastery and instead can be acquired with BP or through other means.For example, if you have a level 50 M416 and a level 30 AKM, all Charms up to level 50 will be rewarded.


  • Weapon Mastery Charms will be retroactively rewarded based on the highest level weapon after the update and will no longer be provided as Mastery Rewards.
  • Progressive weapons are not required for these. They will also receive visual upgrades to the kill message with every new Expert Level. These are decorations that will allow a player to show off their Expert Level with that weapon.


  • With the introduction of Expert Levels, PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS Plus players will receive Weapon Mastery medals on every Expert level up, in addition to an upgraded Weapon Nameplate.
  • Non-Plus accounts can still have Weapon Nameplates according to their levels.
  • When a basic account switches to a Plus account, Weapon Mastery medals are provided retroactively.
  • Please note that the name “Expert Level” is not final. Therefore, we have created two different levels that allow players to continue leveling up a weapon for additional rewards, rather than a simple one-time level system.
  • The most criticized point of the current Mastery Level is that it doesn’t take long for experienced players to reach the highest level.
  • Upon reaching level 100 in a particular Weapon Mastery, players will now be able to reset their level in order to gain one Expert Level, earning a medal and an upgraded Weapon Nameplate along with it.
  • "High Flyin'" Motor Glider (990 G-COIN)ĭetails Weapon Mastery Expert Level & Rewards.
  • Hippie ThreadsIt's your last chance to be both hip and groovy with Hippie Threads.
  • KST: March 24, 2022, After live server maintenance - May 6, 2022, 5 PM.
  • CET: March 24, 2022, After live server maintenance - CEST May 6, 2022, 10 AM.
  • PDT: March 23, 2022, After live server maintenance - May 6, 2022, 1 AM.

    EP items on PC will be purchasable until May 25, 2 AM UTC.KST: March 16, 2022, After live server maintenance - May 6, 2022, 5 PM.CET: March 16, 2022, After live server maintenance - CEST May 6, 2022, 10 AM.PDT: March 15, 2022, After live server maintenance - May 6, 2022, 1 AM.PCS6 - Triumph & Anguish Dance (500 G-COIN).PCS6 Brushstroke Clothing Set (990 G-COIN).PCS6 Weapon & Parachute Bundle (1980 G-COIN).

    pubg steam

  • PCS6 - Triumph & Anguish Dance + Voting Coupon x1 (500 G-COIN).
  • PCS6 Parachute + Voting Coupon x1 (990 G-COIN).
  • PCS6 Brushstroke K2 + Voting Coupon x1 (990 G-COIN).
  • PCS6 Brushstroke Mini14 + Voting Coupon x1 (990 G-COIN).
  • PCS6 Gear Bundle + Voting Coupon x1 (990 G-COIN).
  • PCS6 Brushstroke Clothing Set + Voting Coupon x1 (990 G-COIN).
  • PCS6 Weapon & Parachute Bundle + Voting Coupon x3 (1980 G-COIN).
  • PCS6 Mega Bundle + Voting Coupon x5 (3960 G-COIN).
  • ※ PC players can obtain certain PCS6 items with Esports Points (EP) in the Esports Point Shop.


    PCS6PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS Esports 2022 kicks off with PUBG Continental Series 6!

    Pubg steam